Braces add valuable addition to teeth for the alignment of teeth. These play a key role in improving oral health and appearance of teeth. Although, they don’t look good in appearance but to give the proper shape to your teeth these must be used.
When is there a need?
So the question arises when there is a need to use braces for teeth. As per a pediatric dentist in Dubai, there are certain reasons on the basis of which braces are used. Some of these reasons are given below.
- Teeth look crowded or crooked.
- Development issue in jaw
- No proper alignment of teeth
- Difficulty in chewing food
There are many advantages of using braces. Some of these advantages are given below.
Improve oral health:
Braces are used to align the teeth and when our teeth become straighten then it is easy to lean and floss them. It also protects our teeth from cavities and many other oral diseases.
Help in digestion:
When teeth become straight then it becomes easy for teeth to chew food. When food is chewed properly then it becomes easy to digest food.
Prevention from jaw erosion:
Braces are also used in certain jaw disorders. If jaw disorders are not treated then these cause the erosion of jawbone.
Boost confidence:
When you don’t have proper shape of your teeth then you feel ashamed in front of people and it might lose your confidence. But when braces make proper alignment of your teeth then you like to speak in front of people so it increases your confidence.
Improve speech:
You love to speak in public when your teeth are in proper alignment. So braces can also be considered as source to improve your speech.
Prevent gum diseases:
If teeth are not properly aligned or if there is problem in gum then it may lead to gum diseases. So braces prevent our teeth from various gum diseases.
Prevent tooth decay:
When teeth are not properly cleaned then tooth decay occur in most of the cases. When teeth are not properly it cause the production of bacteria which damages our teeth. So braces causes the alignment of our teeth so these prevent our teeth from decay.
Prevention from cavities:
Braces remove spaces in between our teeth so these prevent our teeth from cavities. Clicking here will help you out further in this regard.